Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scorching Sun

Today we were adding chemicals to ensure that the pool would be ready to swim in even though we've been swimming in it. I was astonished to find that we were adding sunscreen to the pool. I am not joking. We actually added sunscreen to the pool to protect the chlorine from the sun. I guess I better wear sunscreen outside considering the water even needs it. I just wonder who's protecting the Ocean!!

Today was also a scorcher, it was still 31 degrees at 6 pm. I'm told this is nothing.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Well What Happend at the Meeting?

The meeting was about 10 minutes in which all that took place is that they said that we could take the courses in Canada without a problem. Why didn't they inform us that before we arrived? Don't get me wrong I'm glad I'm here and the opportunity I have and everything. Its just this is a lot of money to be spent on something I could have done from my couch back home. Nevertheless, sounds as though I'll be coming home. Not exactly sure when, but I won't be spending the 12 months like originally expected. I'll keep you posted as I know you'll know.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Meeting Today

Today I have a meeting with the rest of my Canadian buddies and our program coordinator about the possibility of doing the rest of our courses via correspondence. Since this semester has been pretty much done that way anyways, my friends thought it might be a good idea to see if it was possible to do the rest of the courses from home. So now we have a meeting to see what they all have to say about it and my parents are thinking it may be a good idea. Not sure how I feel about it yet. In some ways I'd be happy to come home, but man I'm in Australia why would I want to give that up?!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Heavily Updated Flickr

Originally uploaded by tvguru.
I have now updated my Flickr with the pictures I enjoyed the most from Sunday. I was nearly an all day affair which involved a lot of walking around in order to find good spots to take pictures. Most of the good spots seem to be taken up by development for condo's and the like, go figure. Hope you all enjoy.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I Know, Where's The Pictures

I didn't get around to touching up the pictures that I promised for today. I hope to find time to do that tomorrow. So hang tight they are coming. Bern says their good so you'll have to take her word for it.

More Pictures When I Wake Up

Today, after listening to the first game of the World Series, I spent the day in the city taking pictures. I have quite a few to upload to Flickr tomorrow, but right now I'm going to go to bed. Also this weekend was game two of the Tri-Nations, which is a yearly playoff style games of Rugby. It includes Australia, New Zealand and England. Pretty much imagine a yearly Hockey tourney with the best we have against the best the yanks and the best the Russians have. Its amazing to watch. Within 20 minutes of the first game last weekend there were fists flying between New Zealand and Australia. This weekend it came down to the wire and the Australian pulled a rabbit out of the hat. To bad we don't get it back home, well not that I know of. Anyways tomorrow there will be bunch of pictures added be sure to check them out.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Map Feature

A map feature has been added to my Flickr. Now if you click map you can see where the pictures were taken. I really like the feature and hope you do too.

Story Bridge

Storybook Bridge
Originally uploaded by tvguru.
Last night I set out to take some night shots of the Story Bridge. I walked for over two hours to find a decent spot to take some pictures of it. One of the bars that we go to once and a while has the opposite of this view. I just sit and stare at the view, but once and a while my gaze travels to the girls (sorry Bern :) ). Go on over to my flickr and let me know which one you like the best. I'm having problems deciding. I hope to go out tomorrow night again and get some pictures from within the city, but I'm not sure about the weather. Were currently having a thunder storm! This is probably the third time since I've been here that I've seen rain. The problem is that their dam levels are down to 26%. Level 3 water restrictions are in place meaning you can't water your lawn or even wash your car, not even with a bucket. Take care all.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Going through the motions

Last few days I haven't been up too much. Just been around the house taking it easy. I hope to go out today and take some pictures. I'm not sure of what though and that's what's holding me up. If I get some pictures I'll be sure to put the best ones on my flickr. Stay tuned, but don't be disappointed if there isn't any.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Vent About My Assignment Submission

This is pretty much going to be a rant about all the problems I had while trying to submit my assignment. So be forewarned.

Well after staying up for nearly 48 hours getting my assignment finished. I went to school at about 3:30 pm since it way due by 5 pm. I figured this way if there was a problem with printing or anything I would have ample time to remedy the situation. First I had to install the wireless printers on my Mac. This sounds like it would be a simple ordeal, but since I have one of the new intel Macs, it turns out that I'm not technically supported yet. With a bit of tinkering I got that going. So I send my documents over to the printers. I had two pages that were colour and the rest were black and white. Turns out that you have to go to different print stations for each so I get my black and white pages first, no problem. I go to the colour printer and tell it to go ahead an print my queue, the printer starts beeping and asking for some huge paper size. The only way to fix it is to restart it, which deletes the queue. There goes two bucks. So I now need more money on my account for printing so I go wait in the big line to get that done. I also buy corollated stuff to bind my pages when I'm done. I send my documents over and tell it to print. Same thing happens! So now I go back into the line to ask the reasons. The guy asks if I am using a PDF document to print, which I was. He informs me that there is something wrong with my PDF, which is ridiculous as I was using Adobe products which invented the damn thing :). So he says to try with the wired computers instead of sending it wirlessly. So, I wait in another huge line for the computers. Once I do that I come back to the printer and it already has the same error with someone else over it. The guy comes again and say if it's prudent the we should go to the technology lab, on the other side of campus. At this point I have about 45 min to hand this in. So I run across campus to get to these other printers. I open my queue and try to tell it to print, but it doesn't like that idea, it says that my print jobs are being held by the other printer. So I delete all my jobs and once again open my laptop to send to the printers. I tell it to print one of the pages, SUCESS! Alright, now I need the other page. Oh wait not enough money! So, I have to run back across campus and stand in line again to add money to my account. After that I run back across yet again to print my final page. When I get there a girl is standing over the printer with an error. Luckily I reset in and away it goes my last page is done, but I notice that I left my correlating stuff back at the library. At least that's where I have to correlate everything so at least I'm heading to the right direction. I run back to the library, and luckily my stuff is still sitting on the counter. I go stand in line for the correlating machines. Finally get on one and the one I pick had one of the hole punches missing so i have to flip it back over and re-corolate it. Finally get everything over with with about 10 minutes to spare. Get to where I need to hand it in and yet another line. I just couldn't believe how many problems with such an easy thing to do. All I needed to do is just print and and hand in. Shouldn't have taken me that long, but it was Friday the 13th and that's my excuse.

The Weekend

This weekend was mostly all about enjoying that my assignments for the year are over. With the completion of my big assignment I was working on came a night out on the town. Sebastian, Austin and I went to a girls house that was having a party. I hadn't met the girl yet, the guys knew her from the millions of dollars they've probably spent at Juice Booster. We didn't go out to the bar till about 11:30pm which was good as it made for a nice cheap night. We went to Jade Budda which, if you go to the website, is really nice with an amazing view. We also crashed at her place since she lives closer to the downtown core.

The following day, Saturday, was for the most part a relaxing day. Didn't do much yesterday, but one of my flat-mates, Jeff, had a friend show up after the nearby pub at around 2:30 am. Needless to say he was a bit drunk and quite loud. He kept me up till about 6 am. So, that brings me to today. I got up at around 3 pm since I got to bed so late and haven't done a thing. Only plans for today are to clean my room up a bit.

Just wanted to remind everyone that you can add comments to both my blogs and my Flickr pics. It's nice to know if people are actually reading my posts and looking at my pictures. The more comments I get the more I feel like being consistent with my posts.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Day Two

I haven't given this site out to anyone yet as my assignment, which is due on friday, is taking up most of my time. I'm currently getting ready for a 6 p.m. class in the same subject. I sure hope that it doesn't last long today as I would like to get back to the assignment. I have yet to start typing it out and it is 2,500 words at a minimum. I'm hoping that I can just sit in front of the computer, something that I am already good at, and just pound it out. Leaving the due date for a quick once over and fine tuning. Not sure what it is that makes me work better/harder under pressure, but I sure wish I was more like Bern and had everything done with time to spare. Maybe somewhere between the amount that she works and the amount that I do would be perfect. Dah well, there is always next semester to try and change my habits.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New Blog

Well, I'm back. Because my previous attempt at a blog was foiled by my ISP and since I keep hearing from my folks that so many of you were reading my blog and were disappointed that it came to an abrupt end. I decided that I should find a new way of broadcasting my blog. From now on, this will be where you can get information on my life here in Oz and beyond, if I so choose to keep it going after I leave. I hope the blog will get better over the next few weeks as I get used to all of the features offered at I don't expect to have time to do much over the next few days as I have some final assignments due at the end of this week.

Stay tuned for more,